Fabian Ramirez - Datura's garden - mixed media on canvas - 2022 - 160x140 cm


Fabian ramirez

Born in Mexico City, Mexico, 1994

Lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany

Fabian Ramírez paints dreamscapes: ghost images of vegetation, domestics interiors and other environs, concealed in a barrage of expressive colourful brushstrokes, creating kaleidoscopic abstractions that only hint towards a certain place and time. His works revisit some of the fundamental elements for modern art such as the “notion of image” and “abstraction”, in order to point out the unacknowledged aspects of it, and the connection it has with some indigenous concepts. Since image represents a central phenomenon to humanity, it is precisely the origin of images what constitutes one of the fundamental enigmas to solve, not only to understand the being, but its existence within the universe.

Therefore, rethinking the abstract image and its presence in art not only means to acknowledge how the ancestral thought is filtered through its image in a modernized form, but at the same time it also represents a possibility of confronting the modern perspective with the approximation and closeness that the indigenous world has with the origin, which is prolonged over time because of its ancestral meaning.


Coma Gallery