Lili Reynaud Dewar - Small tragic opera of images and bodies in the museum - glass - 2017 - 180x60x5 cm

Work history:


  • BELVEDERE 21. Museum Of Contemporary Art - Vienna

    The Value of Freedom

    from 19 September 2018 to 10 February 2019


Lili Reynaud-Dewar

Born in La Rochelle, France, 1975

Lives and works in Grenoble, France

She works in performance, sculpture and the moving image has often touched on historical figures and performers. Reynaud Dewar’s primary interests and methodologies, research and performance, are common in recent art. But she does not employ history as either a stationary formal device or nostalgic lens; instead, she transforms myriad histories into new works that walk directly into the (or some) future. Similarly, her investment in a kind of politicized vaudevillian theatre – an anachronism in today’s art world – sets her apart. It makes sense, then, that her work evokes literary and theatrical predecessors. Her twining of technology with racial and sexual politics conjures the speculative writing of Donna Haraway and Octavia Butler, who use science and sci-fi to transcend issues of injustice. Reynaud Dewar’s theatrical roots appear to lie with Bertolt Brecht and Rainer Werner Maria Fassbinder, after whose ‘Antiteater’ troupe she titled an exhibition. But despite these influences, and the complicated histories they limn, the artist’s works, complex and dauntingly expert, appear to travel relentlessly forward, prescient preambles of we know not what.


Galerie Emanuel Layr