Mulambo - Pintura para um rei negro - acrylic and spangle on raw cotton - 2020 - 110x105 cm
Mulambo - Mais uma filha de Ana. Mais um filho de Maria - tempera on cardboard and metal wire (diptych) - 2018 - 90x140 cm
Work history:
Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR - Rio de Janeiro
from 24 August 2019 to 30 September 2019
Mulambo - Bate-bola - Spray on jute and eyelets - 2019 - 150x150 cm
Mulambo - Beast - Acrylic on hypermeable blanket - 2019 - 90x60 cm
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1995
Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Mulambo works with drawings and paintings made on different supports, such as paper, cardboard, surfboard, flag, among others, which dialogue with the daily life of the city and identity relationships. The artist with his works wants to restore the powers, trying to enhance the symbols of peripheral existence in Rio de Janeiro. His work “was born out of the need to find a place. A place where you walk barefoot and art with your feet on the ground, because there is no museum in the world like our grandmother's house. For this reason, I speak of people like me, using materials that I find in the places where I live”.